5 years of striving

Successful Application Time:2018-05-11

Recently,many people visited the grand exhibition of“5 years of striving”, and been deeply shocked by the great achievement since the 18th CPC national conference. The exhibition consists of 10 different theme sectors and one characterized immersive experience sector, introduced the glorious history and great achievement of China Communist Party. As the leading brand in video processor industry, VDWALL is selected to provide driving solution with enormous honor, won high recognition for its superb quality and reliability.

In the following, let’s take a glance of the exhibition:

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Entrance of the exhibition

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Screen in exhibition hall(driven by LVP7000)

Stepped in the exhibition hall, the main screen driven by LVP7000 came into our view. LVP7000 support 16 different input channels, is enabled with matrix seamless switching, multiple image overlay display, bring attractive visual experience.

No.2 exhibition sector(Consist of arch screen, cylinder screen and rectangle screen)

Walking across the front hall, move our eyesight to No.2 exhibition sector. The main arch screen resolution is 6144*3424,required 4k2K input signal source. The solution adopted 2 units of LVP 609 for sync cascading, realized unparalleled display effect without misalignment.


Solution diagram

LVP609 is equipped with 4K2K_60Hz UHD whole process hardware accelerated technology,support 3*4K2K_60HZ UHD input,4K、2K seamless and Fade in/Fade out switch,4K2K freely splicing. The specially designed multiple units redundancy function, prevent unexpected failure in emerging mode.

Cylinder screen in front of Arch screen

In 11 cylinder screen units group, each unit screen is equipped with different resolution, one LVP 609 is in charge of screen group driving, technical diagram is as following:


Cylinder screen group driving diagram

In the lateral side, there are separate characterized display areas, such as Change airspace ship, Jiaolong submarine illustration, reform deepening exhibition area, all these areas are supported by VDWALL video processor.

The amazing Change airspace ship simulation

Screen driving diagram

Jiaolong submarine exhibition area

Reform deepening exhibition area

The exhibition is concluded with great success which significantly emphasis the advantage of LED display. As the driving solution provider, VDWALL will continually invest in LED peripheral device innovation,never forget the initial aspiration,striving for the future revolution of LED solution.

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